modif menjadi seperti interface Win Vista. Menurut saya sendiri OS ini
sangat mirip, mulai dari Windows Sidebar sampai Toolbar nya mirip
Vista. Anda tidak perlu memasukan SN lagi, karena sudah Genuine.
Silahkan di cekitot.
Download disini (670 MB)
Platform : Windows Vista
Date : 24.02.2009
Completely unattended: Yes
Category: Operating System
Activation Needed: No
Digitally signed for security: Yes
No. of CD's: 1 (Normal 700MB CD)
Format: ISO Image File
* Windows XP Version 5.1 (build 2600.xpsp_sp3_qfe.080814-1300: service
* pack of 3)
* Fully activated "is not required for activation"
* Microsoft Windows Genuine
* All official updates for Microsoft Windows to March 2009
* Ability to setup from the hard disk
* Built-in serial number
Integrated Software :
* Windows Media Player 11 with all updates
* Internet Explorer 7 with all updates
Integrated Software :
* Windows Media Player 11 with all updates
* Internet Explorer 7 with all updates
* DirectX 9-C (4.09.00000.904) for WinXP Post-Service Pack 3 update November
* Microsoft Silverlight v2.0.31005
* Flash Player
* Windows Side Bar
Integrated Software :
* Windows Live Messenger (2009) - (14.0.8050.12012)
* Yahoo Messenger
* Real Alternative 1.90
* DivX, K-Lite Codec Pack 4.5.3 Standard
* WinRAR 3.8 final
* Winamp 5,541
* Ultreiso 9.3.1
Vista System Requirements 3G
Ini yang anda butuhkan untuk menggunakan Vista 3G :
* Pentium 233-megahertz (MHz) or faster (600 MHz recommended)
* At least 128 megabytes (MB) of RAM (512 MB is recommended)
* At least 1.5 gigabytes (GB) of available hard disk space
* Keyboard and Microsoft compatible mouse, or some other pointing device
* Video adapter and monitor with Super VGA (800 x 600) or higher
* Sound Card
* Speakers or headphones
* Microsoft Silverlight v2.0.31005
* Flash Player
* Windows Side Bar
Integrated Software :
* Windows Live Messenger (2009) - (14.0.8050.12012)
* Yahoo Messenger
* Real Alternative 1.90
* DivX, K-Lite Codec Pack 4.5.3 Standard
* WinRAR 3.8 final
* Winamp 5,541
* Ultreiso 9.3.1
Vista System Requirements 3G
Ini yang anda butuhkan untuk menggunakan Vista 3G :
* Pentium 233-megahertz (MHz) or faster (600 MHz recommended)
* At least 128 megabytes (MB) of RAM (512 MB is recommended)
* At least 1.5 gigabytes (GB) of available hard disk space
* Keyboard and Microsoft compatible mouse, or some other pointing device
* Video adapter and monitor with Super VGA (800 x 600) or higher
* Sound Card
* Speakers or headphones